Citizenship Application
If you wish to apply for Canadian citizenship, you may apply for a citizenship grant under the Citizenship Act. To apply for Canadian citizenship you must be a permanent resident of Canada and be physically present in Canada and meet other citizenship requirements as well, besides citizenship residency requirements.
Some points to consider when applying for Canadian citizenship are as follow:
You must be 18 years or older to apply.
You must have been physically present in Canada for at least 1095 days in the past five years and meet all the citizenship residency requirements.
You must have filed income taxes for any three taxation years that are fully or partially within five years before you apply.
You are not prohibited under sections 21 or 22 of the Citizenship Act.
You must be able to effectively communicate in English/French.
You must have knowledge of the Canadian responsibilities and privileges of a Canadian citizen and must be able to show that in English/French.
NOTE: Requirements of ability to communicate in English/French can be waived off if you are 55 or above at the time of applying. If you are unable to provide evidence of language ability due to deafness you must submit an audiogram by an attested Canadian audiologist. In case an applicant faces other disabilities hindering his/her language ability must provide documentary evidence proving his/her disabilities.